Instruments Of The Middle Ages And Renaissance
by David Munrow; The Early Music Consort Of London
Angel Records (SBZ-3810)
Publication date 1976
Topics Classical, Renaissance, Medieval
Language English
2. Reed Pipe: Shepherd's Tune
3. Cylindrical Chanter: Saltarello
4. Conical Chanter : Ballade "Dame Se Vous M'estes"
5. Bladder Pipes: Pastourelle 'Au Tans D'aost' From The Chansonnier Cangé
6. Panpipes: Chanson À Refrain 'A Prisai Qu'En Chantant Plour' From The Chansonnier Cangé
7. Transverse Flute: Minnesinger Melody 'Owe Daz Nach Liebe Gat'
8. Six-Holed Pipe: Chanson Pieuse 'Dou Tres Douz Non' With Improvised Prelude And Postlude For Jew's Harp
9. Double Pipes: Virelai "Gracieusette'
10. Pipe And Tabor: Dansa 'Ben Volgra, S'Esser Poges'
11. Recorder: English Te Deum
12. Gemshorn: Chansonnette 'Quant Je Voy Yver Retorner'
13. Portative Organ: Madrigal 'Ay Schonsolato Ed Amoroso'
14. Positive Organ Estampie" From The Robertsbridge Fragment
15. Hurdy-Gurdy: Chanson 'Joliveté Et Bone Amor'
16. Clavichord: Ellend Du Hast
17. Clarion: Fanfare 'Untarn Slaf Tut Den Sumer Wol'
18. Buisine: Fanfare 'Ad Modum Tubae'
19. Cowhorn: Ballade 'De Moi Dolereus Vos Chant'
20. Mediaeval Cornett: Das Nachthorn
21. Slide Trumpet: Geisslerlied 'Maria Muoter Reinû Maît'
22. Ensemble--Mediaeval Cornett, Slide Trumpet Alto Shawm, Tabor: Der Trumpet
23. Metal Strung: Lai 'Qui Porroit Un Guierredon' (From The Chansonnier Cangé)
24. Gut Strung: Dance Tune
25. Lyre: Goliard Melody 'O Roma Nobilis'
26. Psaltery: Hymn To St. Magnus 'Nobilis Humilis'
27. Dulcimer: Madrigal 'Tanto Soavemente'
28. Lute: Madrigal 'Di Novo É Giunto'
29. Mandora: Chanson 'Amours Que Porra'
30. Long-Necked Lute- 'Aquel Que De Voontade' From The 'Cantigas De Santa Maria'
31. Gittern: Virelai 'Quant Je Sui Mis'
32. Citole: English Dance
33. Rebec: La Septime Estampie Real
34. Ficcle: Ballata 'Poi Che Da Te Mi Convien'
35. Bowed Lyre: Virelai 'Comment Qu'a Moy'
36. Tromba Marina: Improvised Fanfare / Motet 'Quant Ie Le Voi--Bon Vin Doit--Cis Chans Veult Boire' From The Roman De Fauvel: Consort: Fantasy In Four Parts (Superius Part Reconstructed By Thurston Dart); Lyra Viol: Duet 'Forget Me Not'
2. Curtal: Chanson 'Ce Qui Souloit'
3. Rackett: Caro Ortolano From Il Primo Libren Di Balli 1578
4. Crumhorn: Padouana From The Banchetto Musicale 1617
5. Cornamuse: Bicinium 'Le Cuer De Vous' From Georg Rhaw's Bicinia Gallica Et Latina 1545
6. Kortholt: Bicinium 'Mon Petit Cueur' From Georg Rhaw's Bicinia Gallica Et Latina 1545
7. Rauschpfeife: Three Bransles Doubles From Terpsichore 1612
8. Flute: Chanson 'Amor Me Poingt' From Pierre Attaingnant's Second Book Of Chansons Musicales 1533
9. Recorder 8' Consort: Chanson 'Hellas! Amour' From Pierre Attaingnant's Second Book Of Chansons Musicales 1533
10. Recorder 4' Consort: The Fairie Round From Pavans, Galliards, Almains And Other Short Aeirs 1599
11. Renaissance Organ: Entrada Réal
12. Prelude 'Ascensus Simplex' From The Fundamentum Organisandi 1452
13. Min Hertz Hat Sich Ser Gefröwet From The Buxheim Orgelbuch
14. Harpsichord: Toccata From The Naples MS
15. Virginals: Variations On The Romanesca From The Dublin Virginal Book C. 1570
16. Xylophone: Ballo Francese From Il Primo Libro Di Balli 1578
17. Unmuted: Toccata" From Orfeo 1607 Played In Th Written Key Of C Major (With Additonal Part For Two Kettledrums)
18. Muted: Toccata" From Orfeo 1607 Played With Mutes And Sounding A Tone Higher In D Major
19. Solo: Adagio & Allegro From The Sonata For Trombone, 2 Violins And Continuo
20. Consort: 'Lobt Gott Ihr Christen Alle Gleich' From Musae Sionae IV
21. Cornett: Canzona For 'Due Canti' From Canzoni Da Sonare, 1634
22. Alto And Tenor Cornett: Bicinium 'Amour Organ' From Georg Rhaw's Bicinia Gallica Et Latina, 1545
23. Serpent: Canzona Quarta For 'Basso Solo' From The Canzoni Da Sonare 1643
24. Lute: Orlando Sleepeth
25. Theorbo: A Fancy--Praelude, Or VoluntaryFrom Musick's Monument 1676
26. Mandora: Ballo Anglese From Il Primo Libro Di Balli 1578
27. Cittern: Galliarde For Cittern & Bass From The Cittharn Schoole
28. Ceterone: Toccata Prima From The Intavolatura Di Liuto, Et Di Chitarrone 1623
29. Bandora: Galliard From The Braye Bandora M.S., C. 1600
30. Orpharion: Duet Le Rossignol From Jane Pickering's Lute Book, 1616
31. Vihuela: Fantasia XI From El Maestro, 1536
32. Guitar: Pavana (Variations On The Romanesca) From The Braye Lute Book C. 1560
33. Viol: consort / Fantasy in four parts (susperious parts reconstructed by thurston dart)
34. Viol: Lyra Viol / Duet Forget me not
Angel Records (SBZ-3810)
Publication date 1976
Topics Classical, Renaissance, Medieval
Language English
Disc 1:
1. Shawm: Saltarello2. Reed Pipe: Shepherd's Tune
3. Cylindrical Chanter: Saltarello
4. Conical Chanter : Ballade "Dame Se Vous M'estes"
5. Bladder Pipes: Pastourelle 'Au Tans D'aost' From The Chansonnier Cangé
6. Panpipes: Chanson À Refrain 'A Prisai Qu'En Chantant Plour' From The Chansonnier Cangé
7. Transverse Flute: Minnesinger Melody 'Owe Daz Nach Liebe Gat'
8. Six-Holed Pipe: Chanson Pieuse 'Dou Tres Douz Non' With Improvised Prelude And Postlude For Jew's Harp
9. Double Pipes: Virelai "Gracieusette'
10. Pipe And Tabor: Dansa 'Ben Volgra, S'Esser Poges'
11. Recorder: English Te Deum
12. Gemshorn: Chansonnette 'Quant Je Voy Yver Retorner'
13. Portative Organ: Madrigal 'Ay Schonsolato Ed Amoroso'
14. Positive Organ Estampie" From The Robertsbridge Fragment
15. Hurdy-Gurdy: Chanson 'Joliveté Et Bone Amor'
16. Clavichord: Ellend Du Hast
17. Clarion: Fanfare 'Untarn Slaf Tut Den Sumer Wol'
18. Buisine: Fanfare 'Ad Modum Tubae'
19. Cowhorn: Ballade 'De Moi Dolereus Vos Chant'
20. Mediaeval Cornett: Das Nachthorn
21. Slide Trumpet: Geisslerlied 'Maria Muoter Reinû Maît'
22. Ensemble--Mediaeval Cornett, Slide Trumpet Alto Shawm, Tabor: Der Trumpet
23. Metal Strung: Lai 'Qui Porroit Un Guierredon' (From The Chansonnier Cangé)
24. Gut Strung: Dance Tune
25. Lyre: Goliard Melody 'O Roma Nobilis'
26. Psaltery: Hymn To St. Magnus 'Nobilis Humilis'
27. Dulcimer: Madrigal 'Tanto Soavemente'
28. Lute: Madrigal 'Di Novo É Giunto'
29. Mandora: Chanson 'Amours Que Porra'
30. Long-Necked Lute- 'Aquel Que De Voontade' From The 'Cantigas De Santa Maria'
31. Gittern: Virelai 'Quant Je Sui Mis'
32. Citole: English Dance
33. Rebec: La Septime Estampie Real
34. Ficcle: Ballata 'Poi Che Da Te Mi Convien'
35. Bowed Lyre: Virelai 'Comment Qu'a Moy'
36. Tromba Marina: Improvised Fanfare / Motet 'Quant Ie Le Voi--Bon Vin Doit--Cis Chans Veult Boire' From The Roman De Fauvel: Consort: Fantasy In Four Parts (Superius Part Reconstructed By Thurston Dart); Lyra Viol: Duet 'Forget Me Not'
Disc 2:
1. Shawm: Two Courantes From Newe Teutsche Weltliche Gesänglein 16132. Curtal: Chanson 'Ce Qui Souloit'
3. Rackett: Caro Ortolano From Il Primo Libren Di Balli 1578
4. Crumhorn: Padouana From The Banchetto Musicale 1617
5. Cornamuse: Bicinium 'Le Cuer De Vous' From Georg Rhaw's Bicinia Gallica Et Latina 1545
6. Kortholt: Bicinium 'Mon Petit Cueur' From Georg Rhaw's Bicinia Gallica Et Latina 1545
7. Rauschpfeife: Three Bransles Doubles From Terpsichore 1612
8. Flute: Chanson 'Amor Me Poingt' From Pierre Attaingnant's Second Book Of Chansons Musicales 1533
9. Recorder 8' Consort: Chanson 'Hellas! Amour' From Pierre Attaingnant's Second Book Of Chansons Musicales 1533
10. Recorder 4' Consort: The Fairie Round From Pavans, Galliards, Almains And Other Short Aeirs 1599
11. Renaissance Organ: Entrada Réal
12. Prelude 'Ascensus Simplex' From The Fundamentum Organisandi 1452
13. Min Hertz Hat Sich Ser Gefröwet From The Buxheim Orgelbuch
14. Harpsichord: Toccata From The Naples MS
15. Virginals: Variations On The Romanesca From The Dublin Virginal Book C. 1570
16. Xylophone: Ballo Francese From Il Primo Libro Di Balli 1578
17. Unmuted: Toccata" From Orfeo 1607 Played In Th Written Key Of C Major (With Additonal Part For Two Kettledrums)
18. Muted: Toccata" From Orfeo 1607 Played With Mutes And Sounding A Tone Higher In D Major
19. Solo: Adagio & Allegro From The Sonata For Trombone, 2 Violins And Continuo
20. Consort: 'Lobt Gott Ihr Christen Alle Gleich' From Musae Sionae IV
21. Cornett: Canzona For 'Due Canti' From Canzoni Da Sonare, 1634
22. Alto And Tenor Cornett: Bicinium 'Amour Organ' From Georg Rhaw's Bicinia Gallica Et Latina, 1545
23. Serpent: Canzona Quarta For 'Basso Solo' From The Canzoni Da Sonare 1643
24. Lute: Orlando Sleepeth
25. Theorbo: A Fancy--Praelude, Or VoluntaryFrom Musick's Monument 1676
26. Mandora: Ballo Anglese From Il Primo Libro Di Balli 1578
27. Cittern: Galliarde For Cittern & Bass From The Cittharn Schoole
28. Ceterone: Toccata Prima From The Intavolatura Di Liuto, Et Di Chitarrone 1623
29. Bandora: Galliard From The Braye Bandora M.S., C. 1600
30. Orpharion: Duet Le Rossignol From Jane Pickering's Lute Book, 1616
31. Vihuela: Fantasia XI From El Maestro, 1536
32. Guitar: Pavana (Variations On The Romanesca) From The Braye Lute Book C. 1560
33. Viol: consort / Fantasy in four parts (susperious parts reconstructed by thurston dart)
34. Viol: Lyra Viol / Duet Forget me not
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